Chee-Chai Alien

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Chee-Chai Alien (Japanese: ちっちゃいエイリアン) is the first game in the Chalien franchise, produced by Creatures, Inc. It was released on February 27, 2001.

Summary[edit | edit source]

The purpose of this game is to collect tiny creatures known as Chaliens and interact with them. The player must extract dark matter from the Chaliens into vials and use them to fire rockets into space. Chaliens can be attracted by different types of pheromones in-game, and are gathered from artificial light sources using the Game Boy Color's infrared sensor. The sensitivity of the infrared sensor can be enhanced with the spectrum communicator, which comes packaged with the game.

Due to the game's reliance on the Game Boy Color's infrared sensor, the game (without the use of an external device) can only be played on the Game Boy Color. Other Game Boy consoles including the Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Advance SP cannot (under normal circumstances) be used to play the game.

After the player has sufficiently interacted with Chaliens in the Polariton, they can unlock the Chalien's minigame.

Bypassing the CGB (Game Boy Color) check[edit | edit source]

The unofficial Game Boy Xploder cheating device by Blaze can be used to play the game on a Game Boy Advance SP or Game Boy Player if the Xploder GB firmware menu is booted up before the game, and the game is started with no codes active. Using this method means any features which make use of the Game Boy Color's infrared port are disabled however.

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